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Advertising in the Journal of Germanic Mythology and Folklore

Because of the nature of the J.G.M.F., we will only carry advertisements for scholarly books, organizations, conferences and similar publications that relate to the broad disciplines of Germanic mythology and folklore.
Advertisements for political, religious or general commercial purposes will not be accepted.

To advertise in a given issue of the J.G.M.F., the advertisement (either half or full page) must be submitted via e-mail to the J.G.M.F. editor with "Ad for J.G.M.F." as the subject and must be an attachment in .doc, .htm/.html, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .gif, .jpg/.jpeg, .tif/.tiff or .psd format. Ads must be received no later than one calendar month before the publication date.
Please include your contact information (name, address, etc.) and any affiliations that you have.
If your ad is rejected for any reason, you will notified at least two weeks prior to the publication date.
If your ad is accepted, you will be notified of the cost via e-mail and our billing procedure. Ads are placed randomly in the issue and remain in that issue, when it becomes a back issue.
Ads are not posted until funds are received.

Accepted ads are not to be considered endorsements by the J.G.M.F., its staff or editor.

Pricing per issue is currently set at:
Per issue: $10 per half page, $20 per whole page

All funds earned through advertising are used only for paying for web space, printing
and, when needed, software.
Any funds left over at the end of the year are used for future years.
No funds are used to pay any salaries or stipends.